Wednesday, May 11, 2005

FLushed by the flash

FLushed by the Flash

hey got new stuffs but it aint no quizzes okay, it's some kind of mind reading thingy. the hell, could the computer read my mind? I don't know if it'll work on you guys, better check it out: The Magic Card trick

hmmm, this is another mind thingy but it's somewhat like a hypnotizing thingy, don't take it seriously, just relax... and focus. Hey it made me scream and laugh, Hypnotic experiment no.3

....okay that's that.... i got to play something, its not ragnarok okay. see me at yahoo pool or yahoo chess. HAHA. yesterday i got 20-5 winning scores on chess. \m/ but in pool... ohh my wins are just merely luck hehehhe. anywei.. got to scoot my way out.
