Monday, March 14, 2005

i'm totally freaked out!

hey, errrr.... well you know what, i'm sorta tellin' you somethin', i don't know if it's worth believing. well hey i kinda have this... coincidence. Oh i don't know, it kinda happens a lot of times already to me. There are things which I do, that is a purpose for somethin'.... yeah, somethin' that'll happen next. LIKE SIGNS which i don't even know and notice. Really. Yeah I think it's some kinda kewl. But i know you can't understand what i'm sayin. OH NEVER MIND.

MAN! just check this quiz out. WAAA DRACO MALFOY... *drool (ang luvz ko waaa)


You like Romantic

Romantic Draco is
well...a dream come true! He will come to sweep
you off your feet like a knight in shining
armour! Polite, refined and very handsome,
Romantic Draco wants nothing more then to woo
you. Throwing aside all inhibitions, he will
tell you he loves you constantly and deny the
wrath of Slytherin for his love of you. He
spends his money freely on you, graces you with
many gifts and writes you romantic poetry! He
is constantly at your side and dreadfully

You love Romantic Draco
because you are a true Romantic at heart!

Which Draco Malfoy would you fall for?
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